A website I've been helping out with is hosted on a web host (not my choice) that only provide FTP to files (no shell access) and the database can only be accessed from the host itself or phpMyAdmin.
The website is running on Apache with PHP version 5.3.13.
Since bad and unforeseen things happen to websites from time to time, I'd like to have a backup of the website. I of course have most of the infrastructure locally already (database schemas and website source files), but if the website got hacked or something else bad happened, I would be left with a blank website. So I of course need to back up all user uploaded media and all data in the database.
Problem is I'm really unsure how to do this in a good way when all I have is FTP access and no direct access to the database. Any advice on how to get a decent automatic backup of this site that can be run periodically without too much trouble?
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