I've been having a complete nightmare trying to configure proftpd. I've got proftp server working with an sql database. However I want to have any files uploaded able to viewed by the webserver running on the same box.
The folders get created in /var/tmp/ as
rwx------ 2 ftpuser ftpgroup 4096 Oct 8 20:35 50730c4346512
drwx------ 2 ftpuser ftpgroup 4096 Oct 8 20:38 50730f3a811ca
I've tried adding www-data to group with the following
usermod -g www-data ftpuser
But this doesn't allow the web server access.
In proftpd.conf I have the following umask set
Umask 0022
It doesn't seem to make a difference what I set that value to.
/etc/group (sure I've messed up one of these two but I'm getting desperate)
ftpuser:x:2001:33:proftpd user www-data:/bin/null:/bin/false
The ftpuser table in the database has uid / gid set to 2oo1 for both.
I'm going absolutely crazy trying to solve this any help would be greatly appreciated.
Also, although if I manually connect to the ftp server I can upload files via FileZilla. Although this isn't working for the web-camera, although there is talky talky going on between the server and the camera.
After hours of searching....
The problem was in proftpd.conf I had.
CreateHome on
And I needed to have
CreateHome on 766 dirmode 766
Hours of my life I'll never get back, hopefully this will save someone else some hours later!
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