Most of the time the output of a command ends with the newline character. But sometimes it does not, so the next shell prompt is printed in the same line together with the output.
root@hostname [~] # echo -n hello
helloroot@hostname [~] #
I've always found that very annoying.
Now, I could just add a "\n" at the beginning of the the PS1 variable, but most of the time that will print one extra line I dont need.
Is it possible to know whether the last command's output ended with a newline or not?
(Thanks to Dennis)
PS1='$(printf "%$((`tput cols`-1))s\r")\u@\h [\w]\$ '
I've been experimenting with the following to emulate the feature from zsh
in Bash:
$ unset PROMPT_SP; for ((i = 1; i <= $COLUMNS + 52; i++ )); do PROMPT_SP+=' '; done
$ PS1='\[\e[7m%\e[m\]${PROMPT_SP: -$COLUMNS+1}\015$ '
It issues a reverse video percent sign, followed by a bunch of spaces to make it wrap to the next line, then a carriage return, followed by a dollar sign and a space. You can add prompt escapes after the "\015" to customize your prompt.
Using this depends on how your terminal handles right margin line wrapping (automatic margins). The length of PROMPT_SP is arbitrary, but should be at least 80 or whatever your usual terminal width is. You may need to hard-code that value if $COLUMNS isn't set yet by the time the for
loop is run in ~/.bashrc
. You may want shopt -s checkwinsize
if it's not already set.
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