I'm using Pingdom's DNS tools to check up on my DNS.
I'm getting these Errors:
Too few IPv4 name servers (1).
Only one IPv4 name server was found
for the zone. You should always have
at least two IPv4 name servers for a
zone to be able to handle transient
connectivity problems.
Inconsistent glue for name server
The address of a name server differed
from the child and the parent. This is
a configuration error and should be
corrected as soon as possible.
Name server ns2.domain.com does not
answer queries over TCP.
My domain registrar is set to ns1.domain.com and ns2.domain.com (example).
EDIT: My Questions
How do I enable TCP on my nameservers?
What is 'Inconsistent Glue'?
I have two Name Servers, but I'm getting the "Too Few IPv4" error, what am I doing wrong here?
(P.S: First Rev of post was bad, sorry, early morning post)..
I've seem to fixed the First and Second Error by adding "A Record" ns2.example.com -> Pointing to my secondary IP and editing my resolver file.
Still getting the error, ns2.example not answering queries over TCP.
How can I fix this?
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