I'm considering buying a bunch of
these to upgrade our servers at work (with SATA drives, not true SAS). We are out of
ports to plug disks into, and these cards are decently supported and cheap.
The one thing I can't seem to figure out is:
what type of HBA-to-SATA cable/connector type do these cards use? In the pictures, they
look like href="http://www.cybernetech.co.jp/image/product/sas/sas_internal_multilane.jpg"
rel="nofollow noreferrer">SFF-8484, but I'm not 100% sure, and after
reading the specs, Googling around, and reading href="http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/storage/RAID/SAS6iR/en/PDF/en_ug.pdf"
rel="nofollow noreferrer">the manual, I haven't found out for sure. I'd
rather not spend a lot of money on cables that don't work, so...does anyone have any
experience with these SAS cards? What is their cable
That is correct.
The card's interface is an SFF-8484. Depending
on what your drive cage looks like, the other side of the cable needs to match. If you
are doing this without hot-swap drives, you'll need to use 4-lane SAS breakout cables
(e.g. SAS SFF-8484 to href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SAS-drive-connector.jpg" rel="nofollow
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