I have a Cisco (877) router acting as the main gateway for a network; it has a DSL connection and performs NAT from the internal network to its external, public IP address.
The router allows SSH access for management, and this has been limited using an access list:
access-list 1 permit
line vty 0 4
transport input ssh
access-class 1 in
The router's internal web server isn't enabled, but if it was, I know its access could be limited using the same logic:
ip http access-class 1
Now, the gotcha: this router also acts as a DNS server, forwarding queries to external servers:
ip name-server
ip name-server
ip dns server
My problem is: the router is perfectly happy to answer DNS queries when receiving them on its external interface.
How can I block this kind of traffic so that the router only answers DNS queries from the internal network?
!Deny DNS from Public
ip access-list extended ACL-IN_FROM-WAN
remark allow OpenDNS lookups
permit udp any eq domain
permit tcp any eq domain
remark deny all others and log the attempts
deny udp any any eq domain log
deny tcp any any eq domain log
permit ip any any
! Apply to WAN interface
int WAN
ip access-group ACLIN-TO_WAN in
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