I have a host with a database installed on it.
In order to access the database, the clients use a DNS Alias (CNAME) - AliasOne - and the database port.
DNS Aliases are managed by colleagues in another department.
I had to request a more explicit alias - AliasTwo - for the same host.
I need to delete AliasOne : how can I check which Alias is used to connect on the host/to the database ?
I don't get this information in the database logs.
I tried to create an iptables rule :
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s AliasOne --dport 3306 -j LOG
--log-prefix "AliasOne: " --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options
but it translates the alias with its hostname, thus, it will also log the connection attempts of AliasTwo.
- I didn't manage to get the answer with nslookup, dig, last. Am I using them wrong ?
Any clue anybody ?
(I don't want a service interruption, so "delete and see if somebody complains" is not an option ;))
Unless the protocol explicitly mandates the inclusion of a hostname in the handshake/requests you can't determine from the server which hostname the client uses to connect. The client simply connects to the ip-address that hostname or alias resolves to. (See this Q&A for more background details.)
And as far as I know MySQL does not include hostnames in the handshake https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/connection-phase.html
One work-around may be to configure the server (temporarily) with an extra ip-address and point each hostname/alias to a different ip-address and then the ip-address used will determine the hostname used. Alternatively monitor your DNS servers and register lookups for the deprecated alias.
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