I have been searching quite a bit now but couldn't find any answers.
I'm using httpd 2.2.15 and Centos 6.2.
I have configured apache for mass virtual hosting. I.e.:
UseCanonicalName off
VirtualDocumentRoot /var/www/html/%0
I will have the same "main" domain with different subdomains pointing to the virtual hosts. I have created a self-signed cert for testing purpose with common name *.mydomain.com. There's one IP for the entire server.
How can I configure apache to use ssl for my vhosts?
And if possible, added to above I would like to achieve this as well:
Can I define a directory, or preferable some files (e.g. login page), that should be excluded from the ssl? All vhosts are basically different instances of the same application (except the ones I mention in 2 below).
Can I define some vhosts that should not use ssl (I have full control of the subdomain name for those). This will be two application, my home-page (www) and some administrative application. If it's not possible to make exceptions, I guess I will just put those on another server.
Except the ones I mentioned in 2 above, all virtual hosts will be created automatically based on users request.
Based on @Shanes comment, I update: If the user use https:// when they shouldn't, it's good if they are redirected to http://. If that's not possible I guess it's ok if they get an error message. It's of course ok if BOTH http and https works, as long as http works for the unprotected files (this may be the preferred choice actually).
I could find examples of how to do this using mod-rewrite with the exception that it wasn't for mass-domains (i.e. < VirtualHost > was used).
What's the tricks for achieving this?
If not possible, I would be most happy to get some hints about how to do this.
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