I've changed my conf file so that when a user types in the domain without www it redirects to the domain with www: server_name example.com; return 301 $scheme://www.example.com$request_uri; I also wish for my https for anything under /user I get the error of too may redirects, where am I going wrong? So I have: server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on; root /var/www/example.com/site; index index.html index.htm; # Make site accessible from http://localhost/ server_name example.com; return 301 $scheme://www.example.com$request_uri; location / { # First attempt to serve request as file, then # as directory, then fall back to displaying a 404. try_files $uri $uri/ =404; # Uncomment to enable naxsi on this location # include /etc/nginx/naxsi.rules } location...