itemprop="text"> I've got a standalone ESXi server and I'm having problems with it losing config on reboot. I restored the config from a previous install and it reverts to that every time it's restarted. My current hypothesis is that although the state is correctly being backed up to /bootbank/local.tgz on the hour (it's a USB installation and if I understand correctly, that's expected behaviour), the boot process is reading from /bootbank/state.tgz . I think this because of the contents of /bootbank/boot.cfg (specifically the modules line) and because the restored config was from a disk installation, rather than USB: ~ # cat /bootbank/boot.cfg kernel=b.z kernelopt= modules=k.z --- s.z --- c.z --- oem.tgz --- license.tgz --- m.z --- state.tgz build...